Freitag, 6. Juli 2012

New style for tracks and paths

I have changed some more default mapnik rendering settings, which I don't like for mountain maps:

  1. Unclasified tracks are shown with an ugly brown dashed line which confuses the viewer of the map. It looks like it is a totally different kind of way. 
  2. Some OSM contributers define mountain trails as paths, others define it as footways. Therefore both get the same rendering style. I think in the mountains all trails are paths.
  3. In reality nobody can really assess the difference  between a T3 and T4 path, it's the same with tracks. Therefore all tracks and paths look the same, like on a ordinary topografic map.
  4. The black and white dashed lines for tracks looked to strong on zoom level 13 and 14. A dark grey without white looks more harmonic.
At the moment, you can see the difference near Unterammergau in Bavaria. On the left side of the street 'B23' is the new rendering style, on the right side is the old rendering style.

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